OK, so I think that maybe one reason I'm not making the changes in my life that I want to is that I'm overwhelmed by all my ideas. So I've made a list of things I would like to do, and I will pick 2 or 3 at a time to work on. I've decided to pick not the ones that seem most important, but the ones that seem post doable. And even if several seem doable, I will only do 2 or 3 at a time. Generally.
- Bless the food that I am eating, with gratitude
- Do not eat sugar.
- Do not eat gluten.
- Say my 95 Alla'u'abhas daily, consistently.
- Say my Obligatory Prayer daily, consistently.
- Read the Baha'i Writings every morning, consistently.
- Read the Baha'i Writings every evening, consistently.
- Do some form of exercise for at least 30 minutes daily.
- Meditate and/or listen to BellaRuth guided imagery CDs (I'm not sure how often/for how long I would like this to be).
- Cook/prepare meals at home, such that I eat out only once or twice per week.
- Either speak or write daily gratitudes.
- Massage my feet and lower legs daily (I have issues with the muscles there).
Things along these lines that I have already accomplished within the last year or so:
- Do not eat fast food.
- Keep my house reasonably picked up and clean.
- Attend Baha'i Feast regularly (ie, not missing it unless there is a genuine reason to).
- Get regular massages/body work of some type.
- Eat only very limited amounts of dairy.
- Eat only limited amounts of soy.
- Do not consume caffeine, except very rarely in very limited amounts, early in the day.
- Sleep without medication.
The first few things I am going to tackle are:
- No gluten
- Read the Baha'i Writings in the evening
- Bless my food
I plan to do these for the month of October, so that they become habit, before I look at adding in other things.
Good luck with your new habits!
How's it been going? I just found this last night and it is blowing my mind. I think you might like it.
Girl. You should do something about that comment spam... I mean, I know you deleted it already, but in case you didn't know, there's stuff in the settings you can tweak to help with that.
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