Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wondering Wednesday

"Everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing that it is stupid." ~Albert Einstein

I'm wondering what ridiculous things I am using to judge myself by, and what I should use instead.
Or should I not use anything to judge myself at all? Should it just be all about want/not want?
It gets confusing to me... sometimes I feel like I want a measuring tape to be able to look at and say, "Here is where I am, here is where I want to be, I have 6 inches of work to do" or something like that.
But sometimes I feel like where I am is where I am, and that it's all good. Every moment is perfect as it is, as my yoga friends would say.
I think I posted about this a little bit ago: how to not judge yourself but still move forward. I think that probably if I just listen to my True Self and not get my head in the way, growth would happen easily and joyfully. Probably....

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