Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dear Neighbor

Dear Neighbor (not the nocturnal activities one, the other one),

When I first moved in, as I was sitting on your steps watching the movers, you came outside. You talked to me about how much you love the quiet here in the neighborhood and kept emphasizing that word, quiet, as if making sure I knew my role.

All was well. We were quiet. I hardly even knew you and your wife were over there, except for occasional music on the weekends. Knowing how thin the walls are, I usually used headphones when I listen to music or watch movies.

And then, 3 or 4 people came to stay at your place. Looks like your son or daughter, their spouse, and two kids; one in grade school and one only a toddler. They were NOISY. I ignored it, figuring it would be a short visit, no more than a week or so. After all, it's a small two-bedroom apartment. I ignored getting woken up at 6am by a screaming child. I ignored when pictures fell off my wall because of the jumping and thumping. I ignored when my house shook. I ignored the yelling children at 11pm and even midnight and later.

But now it's been several weeks. I was woken up at 6:30 this morning by all kinds of thumping and sliding and yelling. If that van full of furniture isn't the extras moving out, I will be talking to the management.

Tired and Grumpy Me