Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What I Ate Today

Just to be clear, I haven't even begun to read Thrive yet. This is just a result of my continued growing interest in health as a practical rather than a hypothetical (ie, health as DOING rather than just BEING!).
I'm quite pleased with what I ate today. It was totally healthy and totally delicious all at once. So I figure, what better place to brag on myself than my own blog.

Breakfast: quinoa porridge with fresh fruit and local honey
Lunch: salad (chopped lettuce, tomato, onion, cucumber, and green bell pepper, feta, italian dressing)
Dinner: a lean cut of beef with gorgonzola cheese, baby peas, corn
Snack: fresh blueberries
Drinks: water and herbal tea

I mean, really. I rocked it today. Yay me!

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