Thursday, October 7, 2010


I've had a pretty cool few days.
I've done my morning and evening routines for 3 days in a row now.
Today I was about half an hour early to my sister-in-law's house. They live very near a really delicious French cafe with amazing desserts, but I decided not to spend money on something that isn't good for, that I didn't really even want. I just arrived early.
Then I was driving home and was pretty hungry but rather than stopping somewhere (in fact, nothing even sounded good!) I went home and cooked a dinner. Just some peas and a hamburger patty, but still!
I've also had a really busy several days. On Saturday I hosted the Children's Feast and then help my brother's family unpack from their move. On Sunday I had dress rehearsal for the Ren Fest and then did a Health History interview for school. On Monday I had a massage, then had an extended dance practice. Tuesday I was an administrative assistant (paid!) for a friend and did a lot of studying. Wednesday I helped my family unpack all day and then went grocery shopping. Today I ran some errands, did more administrative assistant work, and then did a sewing project (it actually kind of came out ok, too). Compared to my usual schedule, that is crazy busy. I'm starting to feel a little worn out which is a little frightening because I have big days Friday (a new yoga class, traffic court for that suspended license thing from the car accident, and either a dance practice or my brother's birthday party (I already did a mini-birthday celebration with him and his family on his actual birthday, this one would be a bigger party with more family and friends etc), and I hope to get some studying in. Oh, and I need to go to the library and drop off some overdue books. Saturday and Sunday is the opening weekend of the Ren Fest! And then finally on Monday I have nothing scheduled but a massage. Phew! But I'm impressed I've ade it as far as I have, as well as I have!
I also turned in an application for part-time work at the health food store down the road, today.
So yeah. Yay me!

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