Friday, December 25, 2009


Instead of getting frustrated, get fascinated.
Doesn't that sound like a funner, easier way to solve a problem? Instead of "AAAARGH how do I make it STOP???" its so much more pleasant to go with "Huh. I wonder which ways I can come up to help this situation along" and then really delve into the situation. Kind of how we ask children to do. For example:
Kid: whine whine fuss cry "I can't reach this book" whine fuss
Me: Hmm. That book is a little high, isn't it. I wonder how you could reach it?
Me and Kid: Think of solutions together including a step stool, me lifting the kid, the kid learning to fly, the kid scaling the book shelves.
Me: So which of those do you want try?
Kid: I want to fly!
Me: OK! Go ahead!
Me and Kid: fun times pretending to fly
And eventually the book gets gotten

Man, thats such a better script than everyone just getting frustrated! So what I want to do is apply that philosophy to myself. When I get irritated, think "Huh. Interesting. So what are some ways I could solve this? *think of a few, no matter how realistic* OK, so which do I want to try first? *probably choosing most realistic one first*" And then either "YAY, I SOLVED IT!" or "Hmm, that one didn't work, which other idea do I want to try" and so on and so forth. All in a genuine attitude of learning and exploration. And nonjudgement.

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