Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Baby Rant

People. People, people, people.
If you are going to have a baby, EDUCATE YOURSELF. Do not blindly trust the medical professionals who are trained to see pregnancy and birth and even those first few months of life as a medical emergency rather than the totally natural and joyful events that they are. Read about formula versus breastfeeding, about vaccines, about your body's changes and theirs. Consider parenting techniques and discuss them with your child's other caregivers.
A baby is not a furless cat. A baby is a human being just like you, who deserves the very best. If you don't educate yourself, you won't even know what the best is, much less how to give it to them.
Do this as a service to yourself and your child, as well as out of respect for those of us who were denied the opportunity to do it ourselves. Please.

1 comment:

dawni said...

One hundred and sixty four billion percent this.