Monday, August 31, 2009


Did I mention well Of Mercy has a walkable labyrinth? It does. The clouds were sprinkling a little at twilightish when I decided to walk it. When I first got there (it's up a bit of a hill from the buildings of the Well) a rabbit dashed away, flashing its white tail at me (hi mom, who loved rabbits and has shown up as one a few times since her death). As I began walking the rain got heavier, and when I reached the center it was accompanied by thunder and lightening that was the only way I could make out the paths of the maze, and I couldn't make out the details of the boulder 2 feet from where I sat. I thought, "well, I could just get up and leave. Or I could brave my fear of thunder, dark, and alien encounters (no really, I have a pretty big thing about aliens) and walk the labyrinth back out from the center." So, although quite a bibt more quickly than I had walked in, I rewalked the labyrinth. Here's some thing I elarned that night:
-You seem closer and further from the center (your goals, wholeness, nearness to God), but as long as you stay on the path and keep moving, you are actually always getting closer to center.
-Fear takes you out of your experience. So does battling fear. Accepting fear with nonjudging compassion keeps you in the present.
-You might think you can see where you are headed, bubt you might be looking at things the wrong way, or seeing an illusion.
-There will always be enough light to see your way if you are ready to take advantage of it whenever it may come.
-If you can't make out the path, look directly in front of you (step by step, day by day, cam cam ruz be ruz).

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