Tuesday, August 4, 2009

my health

I've got this cool new doctor. And some not so cool old conditions.
First: systemic candida. So these little candida funguses...er...fungi?... (aka yeast) hang out in your intestines, and that's fine. They kind of have an ongoing war in there with other bacteria and they all keep eachother in check. But sometimes candida gets a little wold and crazy in there. If left too long, they grow these weird little arm things, that they use to basically poke holes in the lining of your intestines. This allows them to escape into your bloodstream. Meanwhile, so is partially digested food and all kinds of chemicals and stuff that really should just stay in your gut. So now you've got shit (literally) and candida swimming around in your bloodstream. The clever candida immediately go into hiding in little nests of white blood cells, so your body thinks "ho hum, nothing to see here!" It also releases a chemical that supresses your immune system (so ok, here's at least part of why I'm sick so darn often and seem to get bugs worse than other people) just in case it does get discovered in its little camoflague nest of blood cells. And this just keeps going and going, causes all kinds of symptoms like:
incapacitating fatigue
concentration/focus problems
short term memory
painful joints
muscle aches
extreme tightness in the neck and shoulders
acid reflux
brown colored mucus in the back of the throat
white or blood blisters in the mouth/tongue/throat
unrefreshing sleep
sore throat
white coated tongue
aversion to be touched - "crawling" skin
chronic sinusitis
frequent urination
chronic constipation
headaches including migraines
visual blurring
sensitivity to light
eye pain
panic attacks
personality changes
mood swings
night sweats
canker sores
shortness of breath
hypertension/high blood pressure
dizziness and balance problems
sensitivity to heat/cold
alcohol intolerance
gluten intolerance
irregular heartbeat
irritable bowel
constipation and/or diarrhea
painful gas/abdominal bloating
low grade fever or low body temperature
numbness/tingling in the face or extremities
dryness of mouth and eyes
difficulty swallowing
projectile vomiting
menstrual problems (PMS/endometriosis)
recurrent yeast infections
recurrent ear infections
skin rashes
dry/flaking skin
skin discoloration/blotchiness
jock and rectal itching
chronic athlete's foot
chronic toenail and fingernail fungus
ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
sensitivity to noise/sounds
sensitivity to foods
sensitivity to chemicals
sensitivity to odors
weight changes without changes in diet
feeling in a fog
muscle twitching
muscle weakness
jerky-leg syndrome
low sex drive
I have 43 of the symptoms on that list.
So there's a protocol involving diet and supplements and medications. The diet stsays depressively the same (no more than 2 servings of fresh fruits a day, fresh vegetables except white potatoes [but some of the veg and fruits have to be pretty limited], fresh meat, some nuts and nutbutters. Oh, and all the cranberries i care to eat)/ The supplements and medications will be kind of rotated and changed periodically, since candida are also highly adaptable. It's gonna be a pretty long term project but if all my candida symptoms are really just from the candida, the results will be astonishing. Like, I literally won't know what to do with myself. Which is what I have to keep remembering as I slog through the daily grind of it all.
The other thing going on is wacky adrenals. This one I don't know much about. I need to ask the doctor. I did this saliva lab and once the results are back I'm meeting with her again. The theory here is that my cortisol production is off (not sure if that means its too high or too low) which is why I have a very weak pulse (even doctors and nurses can't usually find it in my wrist, they have to go for the stethoscope), a slightly irregular heartbeat, and a laying-to-standing blood pressure that drops enough that my doctor forces me to sit back down and says "really, you should be feeling quite dizzy right now!" More on the adrenals later, I guess.


ryran said...

Julie diagnosed me with both of those a few years ago (systemic candida & depressed adrenals). Hmmmm. That's a long list. I can almost imagine how you wouldn't know what to do with yourself. hehe..

River said...

i'll do the diet if you will. heh.