Thursday, January 14, 2010


For the most part, I don't really think anger is worth it. Like someone I know is really mad because he had to stand in a line for a long time. It was a two hour line, granted, but still.... why bother being angry? It's not gonna move the line quicker, it's just going to make your experience worse, and probably the experience of those around you too. Why not choose to make the most of it? Read a book, catch up with friends on the phone, meditate, meet your line-neighbors...
I'm not saying I don't get angry. I do. But I generally get angry at a situation, do my piece to change it if that's an option, and then detach from the reaction. All I can do is my piece, what others do with it is really not my concern. And if there's nothing to be done, why waste time being angry?
For me, I guess anger is just an impetus to do something. A source of energy. Otherwise, its just not worth it.

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