Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Weird Dream

Had a really weird dream last night. Worth noting: last night was the solstice, a full moon, a total lunar eclipse, and a meteor shower. So, stuff in the air, I'm sure.
The dream:
A lady who is kind of heavy, with short blond hair, a little curly. She's in something like an interrogation room in a police station. A gray room, one-way mirror, just a table and two chairs... a very Hollywood version of such things, I'm sure.
There are two FBI agents in the room. I know where these guys came from; they are characters in a show, Criminal Minds, which I've been watching lately. Gideon is the one sitting at the table, across a corner of the table, to the right the woman. Reid is standing against a wall, a little behind and to the right of the woman. The rest of the team is watching through a one-way mirror.
The woman is a serial... injurer? She doesn't kill people, she just hurts them. Not sure if she hurts others or just herself, but the team is desperate to find the victim she currently has. The victim is her right arm. She has it tied to a board which is full of nails; like when yogis lay on beds of nails, you know? A board like that, that her arm is strapped to.
Periodically during the interrogation she tightens the straps so that the nails bite further into her arm. The team knows they are running out of time and are desperate to find her arm... but the thing is, her arm is right there attached to her just as you'd expect it to be. They just can't see what she's doing. They know the current "victim" is her arm, but they seem to think she's got it hidden away in some clever hideaway type of place.
Through out the dream I can feel how desperate the FBI team are to help this arm, how much they are studying everything she does for clues, and how much pleasure the woman is getting out of keeping this secret from them, and being able to hurt the arm right in front of them.
So... interpretation ideas?

Update: as I read this I realized, I'm pretty sure the woman only hurts herself, not others. Also, the FBI team's main motivations are to help the "victims," not to punish the woman. They are angry at her, but mostly they just want her to stop hurting... herself. Although the "victims" are bizarrely divorced from her self, as indicated in the dream.

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