Tuesday, July 28, 2009


In Son-Rise, there is a concept called a "mode." Well actually, its a well known concept, but in Son-Rise its called a mode. A mode is when a child seems to plateau or even regress in their learnings. It can be scary from the outside, wondering if the child will come back, have they really lost their new skill, etc etc. But the vast majority of modes do end eventually. And what's really cool is that at the end of a mode, the child often has new skills or is much more open and easy about learning, or both.
I think a mode is a digesting time. There's so much to learn, so many ways to feel and be and think and so much to change, that sometimes the kid just has to sit back and digest it all, and not work so much, or even at all, on acquiring more learnings. Then when he's got everything kinda sorted, he's back and ready to show what he's learned and take another big bite of the world to digest again.
I have modes. Not autistic ones, obviously. Mine are more depression. Sometimes I just have to stop all the working and trying and everyday detailing I have to do in life. There's a lot: balancing people and alone time is like some huge mathematical trick, I gotta eat the right things in the right amounts, exercise just right, sleep just right, cleanliness and spirituality... all of this still requires a lot of thought and process (and ok, sometimes some good old angst) on my part. Its a lot of work to just kinda... live. For me. I don't know how it is for other people. And so sometimes I just have a mode. Typically I become sick. I mean, really I physically get sick, and that's how I excuse the mode to myself and the people around me. Ain't the brain a crazy and powerful thing?
I don't want to keep making myself/getting sick, though. I want it to be just ok for me to have a mode. I don't want people to get worried, or confused, or hurt, or pissed. I don't want me to be any of those things either. I want to feel comfortable just saying "meh, ya know, I'm kinda in a mode or depressed or something and I don't wanna go out today" without it being personal ("aw man, she's sick of hanging out with me now") or scary (oh crap, she's not gonna start with that self injury total isolation stuff she used to do is she?") or a burden ("damn, now am I supposed to being her flowers or something?"). Its just kinda, part of my process right now. Do what you need to to be comfortable in yourself, offer what you are comfortable offering, say what you are comfortable saying, do what you are comfortable doing, and trust that at this point in my life, I am pretty good at asking for help when I want/need it.
I'd really like to encourage feedback or thoughts or whatever on this. In any format.


ryran said...

"Typically I become sick. I mean, really I physically get sick, and that's how I excuse the mode to myself and the people around me. Ain't the brain a crazy and powerful thing?
I don't want to keep making myself/getting sick, though. I want it to be just ok for me to have a mode. I don't want people to get worried, or confused, or hurt, or pissed. I don't want me to be any of those things either."

It's exciting to me that you've narrowed down the cause of the whole getting sick thing. (I suspect you're totally not alone in doing that.) But.. very cool--I love how you're just laying it out there: PEOPLE, I WILL BE THIS WAY SOMETIMES. DO YA THING. DON WORRY.

It sounds like this will be very yummy for you. :)

Paryssa said...

Rock on, is what I have to say... and I think its natural in development, what you are describing as 'modes'... for instance, a child does nothing, does nothing (or the 'same thing') and then BAM, busts out with the words "What in the world!?!?1" ;-) You're doing it!!

River said...

ha, thanks ryan. i coulda saved ang having to read all those words by just saying "PEOPLE, I WILL BE THIS WAY SOMETIMES. DO YA THING. DON WORRY."
lol, that's exactly what i was trying to say. thank you.

ang: yeah, but is it natural in ADULT development...? i try not to think about that too much. comparing me and my process to other people's usually lands me in trouble, but still...

Paryssa said...

I don't see why not. If you take the theory that we are always growing, and developing, and learning, just on different planes (spiritual/emotional vs physical/developmentally). Otherwise we're 'dead'. So give me a 'mode' anytime! Means somethin might just about be ready to happen!!!

And they talk about this in a different way in Anusara. They talk about it is 'contracting' and 'expanding'. Sometimes you are expanding, expanding, expanding (growing, growing, growing), then you need to slow down, reflect, even regress to some extent (contracting) before you get ready to do some (sometimes major) expanding. I can explain it better in person...

Anonymous said...

Hey, It's Renee...just wanted you to know I read this and I completely understand. While I hope this mode passes, I understand the need to be in it sometimes. Be safe, xx FadeOut

River said...

renee: heh, didn't expect you here! thanks.

paryssa: my modes seem to look different from other "grown ups"... more... well, maybe this is what depressed people's modes look like. i dunno. for now, its what mine look like. i guess.

River said...

oh, and i like the expand/contract thing. also, teach(expand)/consolidate.

ryran said...

ditto on anusara... I like that