Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pissed (in American English, not British English)

As in I'm angry(the American definition of pissed), not as in I'm drunk (The British definition of pissed).
I opene up to someone and told a story about myself that was difficult... and the person didn't believe me! In fact, the person chose to end the relationship. I've never had this happen before, and I'm really angry.
That's... all I have to say about that I guess. Grr.


Paryssa said...

Sorry that happened Sonya :-(. But you showed up to the friendship and thats your gift. If the person can't be there for this, then its better you know it now. Luckily, you are very much loved!

JustMe said...

I would be pissed as well.
In US speak as well, since my pissing days are over, as far as British speak goes...
But what I mean is that I hear you--
and like Ang said, what if you'd told it and they didn't believe you and kept it to themselves, and just went on with the friendship not believing you but pretending like they did? Then you'd be friends with a its really pissy when you tell someone something and they choose not to believe you and later on your like I already told you "blahblahblah" and they are like oh yeah well I didn't believe your lying american ass.
Or something like that.
thank god i'm a kiwi and don't have to deal with americans or brits,
except this one american named ashley...

ryran said...

(I already talked to Sonya about all this, so no comment, but...)

RIO you are hilarious.
Also, you're a kiwi now? Mmm. I love to eat kiwis. For any meal of the day.