Sunday, May 4, 2008


Something, something, something, but I don't know what, feels like its missing. When I'm productive and doing things I feel good. When I don't have something I'm working on, like on weekends when nothing is planned and no projects need doing, I don't feel good. I know, I have to relax and stuff to have energy or whatever. But I feel restless and unsatisfied. Like right now, I'm only posting to have something to do that has some kind of result. Some time soon I think I'm going to have to look at this.


Paryssa said...
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Paryssa said...

hmmmm, sounds like occupation ;-) Just speaking from an occupational therapist view ;-)But I totally know what you mean! Its strange. I, too, will ponder. The one who comes up with an idea/insight first...wins ;-) what? I'm not sure...Wins the ability to come up with the first idea/insight I guess..just something to do I think...grrr..rambling. okay, bye bye!

Anonymous said...

I don't have any solutions - well sure, I could come up with this grand solution which may or may not have anything to do with you and what you are experiencing - but instead, how about a few questions for you?
Does it have as much to do with transitioning as lack of activitiy?
What happens if you sit with yourself and whatever thoughts and/or feelings come up?
Has productivity (results) become part of the definition of you? - or have "shoulds" crept in?
Would it be helpful to redefine "planned" and "projects" to include being as well as doing?
Are you getting tired of these questions?
I heard what I thought was a good quote: "Time that I choose to waste isn't wasted time."
You have so many great skills, tools, and friends, I know you'll figure it out. Awareness is the first giant step. Let me know what you find out.