Friday, October 12, 2007


So I've been working for The Option Institute and Autism Treatment center of America for almost exactly two months, and I've changed so much I wouldn't know how to tell someone who asked. Here is a really telling symptom of some of those changes though. I think most of you who read this will understand how huge this is for me.
In the past week I have:
  • gone to dinner and a movie with a friend from work
  • gone on a hike with a friend from work
  • gone to open mic night at a club with about 8 people from work and their various spouses, friends, etc.
  • gone to a karaoke night at a restaurant /bar
And that's just the past week. Its Friday now and that's since last Friday. I'm also doing some unknown something with a couple of people from work tomorrow afternoon/evening. I've become... gulp... social! And, for the most part, I've been pretty comfortable in all of these situations. Crazy, huh?!


Danielle said...

I'm so happy for you Sonya. :)

ryran said...

well that's just crazy.
I deneh if I can be friends with this new social person. more social then me? oh noes!

heh. jk. you make me laugh. I love it. :)