Friday, March 30, 2012


So, I just went to the doctor (where I found out I have pneumonia, but that's not the point here). When I need a regular Western doctor I just go to a clinic down the street, so these people don't know me or anything.

As they do, my nurse asked about the scars on my arm. I told her "I used to self injure." Most medical professional then ask how long it's been, and/or if I'm in treatment. I tell them "3 or 4 years" and "Once a week therapy" and that is that. Fair enough.

But today when I said "I used to self injure" the nurse said, "Oh, is that emo?" I said "...I'm sorry?" She said "Emo. Isn't cutting yourself called emo?" So then I had to 'splain to her "Actually, emo is a stereotype. One that a lot of people in my position would find offensive. Self injury, on the other hand, is a psychological disorder." She stopped asking.