Friday, July 8, 2011

Responsibility, Not Blame.

"Taking control of your life should not mean that you are on your own.  It means that you face yourself and your choices with honesty, changing what you can and allowing yourself to ask for help where you need it."

That quote is from this blog, from which I have never read anything else but this one post.

I really like this one post though; responsibility without blame is a key concept for me, and one I am constantly refining.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow. That quote, and the corresponding blog post, really spoke to me. I have a lot of issues with excessive guilt, and it's hard for me to let go of the past because of it -- but I need to let go of the past, because if I don't I'm at the mercy of that guilt and can't take control of my life. I think that's why my religion is so appealing to me; it allows me to release my guilt and live in the present. I can face myself because I am not overwhelmed with guilt and anxiety, and I can make good choices because of that -- and I can face other people because I am not overwhelmed with shame and self-loathing, and I can ask for help because of that.

That may be totally awry from where you were going with your blog post, but you made me think -- which is, really, what writing is supposed to do.