Sunday, February 21, 2010

What I Do All Day

(This was written 19 February 2010, but I was internet-less at the time.)

People ask me what I do all day.
For a while I just kinda smiled and shrugged. Then I got annoyed with the questions (and myself) and started saying things like "I eat bon-bons and watch TV" (note: I don't even own a TV).
Here is what I really do:
I work on climbing out of the dark hole I lived in for most of my conscious life. An yeah, it's been a long comb. In fact, today marks exactly 9 years of climbing. It was a deep hole: almost exactly six feet under, to be honest. I'm climbing in a safe way, and sometimes that's slow. I make sure my handhold is secure before I search out my next toe-hold. I take breaks when I need to. I resist the occasional urge to make a mad scramble.
So that's what I do all day. I'm figuring out how to live in the best way I can, because when a lot of people were figuring that out, I was doing my best to avoid life. And yeah, nine years is a long time. Actually, though, I predict the process will last, in some form, the rest of my life.
I'm not hurting anyone. In fact, I'm bettering at least one person. So please. Ask what I do out of curiosity, not out of judgement. Or, just don't ask at all.

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