Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Flu

The flu. I have it.
It stinks. My temperature hasn't been below 101 in days, and i made it up to 103 this morning. I've nauseous and congested (I actually wake up in the middle of the night choking on mucus) and achy and shivery. The doctor says not to expect to start to feel better for a week.
The flu is also very contagious, which means I will be missing Ayyam-i-ha (the Baha'i holiday) this year. I can't go to my community's party on Friday and I can't go see my family over the weekend. The holidays were gonna be weird enough this year without mom, but now they just kinda suck.
My self-pity is overwhelming, is it not? For now though I'm just kinda miserable.


ryran said...

I hopped on over here to see what you'd been up to, because I wanted to talk to you... I think this is the longest in a long time we've gone without talking. Yikesies on the sickness.

River said...

i was just thinking that a day or two ago, that its been awhile and that feels weird.