Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Am Not Sick!

Of course, I'm always grateful to be not sick. But this is a particular case.

You see, yesterday I kind of was sick. I woke up coughing a bit, and kind of congested. I was really low energy and blah. I was definitely coming down with a cold.

(That's the common cold virus as a plush toy. Cute, right? But I still don't want it hanging out in my body.)

And so, I made a conscious decision that I did not want to be sick. That may sound kind of obvious, but I don't think I've ever done it before. Really, I've often kind of wanted to be sick. It gave me an excuse to have down time and nurture myself, and I think being sick kind of gave me something to do, too. But I'm nurturing myself in healthier ways now (no pun intended!) and I have things going on that I don't want to miss.

So anyway, I set that intention that I did not want to be sick. And then I cancelled some of my plans for the day so that I could get rest. And I consistently (and constantly!) took supplements to support my body in fighting off the invaders.

And today.... I am not sick! This is the first time in my memory that I have conquered a cold before it conquered me!

I'm so proud of my fighter cells, and of myself for supporting them well so that they could do their job well.

 (That's little fighter cells working together to kick an invader's butt!)

1 comment:

ryran said...

Haha! That's awesome Sonya.