Wednesday, February 23, 2011

DBT Shenanigans

The DBT group looked at me blankly again today. It made me laugh.
We were supposed to be sharing about a time when we observed our feelings/situation without judgment. So I told about yesterday, when I got some tattoo work done. I said something like this:
     "I went to get some new ink yesterday *gesticulating to my right arm*. I was in the chair for about 3 and a half hours. I was practicing the skills by noticing the sensations, like a buzzing in my arm, without deciding it was a 'bad' sensation and without feeling that I had to do something about it, like run away or cuss out my artist."
When I stopped talking everyone just looked at me. They had made comments on other people's stories, so at this point I got the idea that something might have gone wrong. Eventually the therapist running the group said "Oh! For those of you who don't know, 'getting ink' means getting a tattoo." And then everyone said "Ohhhh!"
Apparently a few of them had just been totally lost, one thought I was an artist of some sort that deals with ink but couldn't figure out why my arm was buzzing or why I'd want to be rude to my artist, and one lady thought I said I had "gotten egrets" and was trying to imagine huge bird pets.
I didn't get the kinds of "good job" compliments others got. I got "You have tattoos??"
I'm learning a lot in DBT... just not necessarily the things DBT thought I would!

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