Thursday, October 28, 2010

Self Worth

Self worth, or valuing myself, has been an issue for me since I can remember.
I am glad to report I now believe I am worth the resources it takes for me to stay alive. I honestly spent a lot of years thinking it wasn't fair for me to be taking up food and space and oxygen.
There's been a lot of layers between that and where I am now. Now I am struggling with the idea that I deserve to do more than subsist. That it's ok for me to have savings, to have luxuries, to live beyond "do I have enough for cherries this week, or do I buy a bag of apples?"
And also, that what I do is valuable. That health counseling and working with kids and being a personal assistant (I'm doing that for some friends now, very part time, to earn a little extra) are valuable services, and I do them well, and deserve to be compensated for them. I constantly undervalue these kinds of things and as a result I find myself with constantly not quite enough resources.
In my head I know... child of God, human being, smart, etc... but in my gut I still can't believe I should be earning much above minumum wage, no matter what service I am offering.


Lynn said...

If minimum wage was a living wage you might be alright accepting minimum wage, but it's not. You must consider what a living wage is now that you have determined you are worth the money it takes to stay alive. I hear that is at least $11-12 in this part of the country.
So, be fair to yourself. "The best beloved of all things in My sight is justice." right? You are worth so much! You know the phrase, God don't make no junk, right? There you go!

ryran said...

I sat here for two minutes trying to call up a response, but all I have is: eeearly this morning I watched a video that mentions worthiness as a key component for.. something.