Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Food Blessings

Lately I've become interested in the idea of blessings. As in, for food, not in general. I feel like being grateful for food and all of the labor and sacrifice that goes into creating it, and being mindful of food's purpose is a good idea.
I've spent the past few days looking at a lot of different prayers and gratitudes and devotions and blessings, and this is what I've come up with for myself. I intend to say it before eating or drinking anything. At least for a while, as a  kind of experiment.
In this food (or drink) I clearly see
the presence of the entire universe
supporting my existence.
I am grateful to all of the beings
who have sacrificed and labored
to bring it to me.
May I be nourished
that I may nourish life.

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