Friday, September 24, 2010

My Picture (AKA Why I Set the Boundaries I Do)

This idea has been bouncing around in me for a while now, and I've started to take action on it a lot already. yesterday, though, I heard some song lyrics that gave me a nice visual, so I thought I'd share.

"I'm adding something new to the mixture
So there's a different hue to your picture."
--The Raconteurs

So I imagine my life is a painting, right? Who knows what the heck the overall picture is, that's an analogy for another day. But every element in my life; every person I talk with, every meal I eat, every movie I watch... everything in my life is adding something to the picture, changing the hue, no matter how slight.

I'm not interested in creating a muddy or gray or monotone picture.

I'm not interested in creating a neon-bright or confused picture either, mind you.

I'm interested in a balanced, easy-on-the-eyes, clear, bold composition.

And if something isn't adding beauty to the piece, I simply don't need it.

So in practical terms, what that means is not watching movies or shows or newscasts that are disturbing, not hanging out with people who are negative (in a majority way; of course everyone has down times), not listening to music with angry or depressing lyrics.
I am in control of the hue my life picture, and which things are in the mixture.