Sunday, August 15, 2010

IIN Intention

IIN is the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the school I am now doing health coach training with. I had an assignment to write an intention, and wanted to share it:

I will learn to treat myself more kindly as well as becoming comfortable, both personally and from a professional/business standpoint, helping others learn to treat themselves more kindly.
I will do this by completing each module the week it is released (including any assignments) and going as deep as necessary to make and commit to personal changes as well as fully understand the materials presented.

So... yep. That's my plan. Right now I am trying to have a dedicated IIN time in my day/week, but that hasn't worked for me so far... actually, I'd welcome any ideas or thoughts about this.
Also, beware, my populace! I might be calling on you to be one of my guinea pigs, for study support, to help me with materials and concepts I'm not understanding... and maybe to help me with accountability. I'm not sure yet what I might need in this process, but I'm feeling pretty determined to see it through (which also feels a little scary, cause, I mean, you know me and school don't get along so well...).

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