Friday, January 22, 2010


I recently realized that no one is perfect. Of course, I knew this before. Basically. Here's what I mean:
I know that no one is without fault. But I had some people on pedestals (for various self-serving reasons of course) and I kinda had their faults as part of their perfection... Not in a good way. Not in an "everyone is perfect in this moment" kind of way. More in an "well I guess I must actually be wrong about that" way. And I knew that these pedestal dwellers had fine tuning to do (versus major overhauls). And some of them had obvious flaws that I saw as kind of... a beauty mark I guess. Not classically perfect, but it contributes to the whole and makes it all the more alluring.
But now I see that everyone has weaknesses, wrongs, rights, fears, strengths... everyone, even the ones I so wanted to "have it all together" is really just as fragile as me.